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City of Wisner


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Street Department

Division Overview & Responsibilities

The Wisner Street Department is responsible for the alleys, stormwater drainage systems, bridges, culverts, and the public rights of way within the City of Wisner.  Additionally, the division oversees nearly 20 miles of streets.

Snow Removal

Winter Snow Removal Information

In order for the City to provide effective and efficient service during the winter months, the following policies have been adopted with regard to winter snow removal from city streets:

General Policies

The City of Wisner attempts to plow all streets within 18 hours of a snowfall of two or more inches.  Business and residential streets are cleared first and alleys last.  If snow continues, crews may be required to stay on the routes until the snowfall stops.  Ice control is performed whenever necessary.

Plow drivers push snow as close to the curb as possible (using the parking as storage for the snow), thus rolling snow into the end of driveways.  Residents should not clear the end of the driveway until the entire street has been plowed.  Plow drivers DO NOT clear snow from driveways.  In some areas, sidewalks are close to the curb line and even though drivers make every effort to avoid plowing snow onto them, if occasionally happens.  Plow drivers DO NOT clear sidewalks.

Downtown Snow Removal

There is no parking in the downtown business areas from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM.  During downtown snow pickup operations there is NO parking in these locations.

Do Not Deposit Snow On Public Property

Do not remove snow and/or ice from private premises and deposit the same upon any public street, alley, or other public property within city limits.  Pushing snow into the street or alley not only creates a hazard for motorists, but seriously hampers snow removal operations.

Driveway or sidewalk snow should not be blown or shoveled into the public streets.

In the business district, where there is snow storage, sidewalk snow may be placed in the street not less than one (1') foot from the curb.  Please clean these sidewalks as soon as possible after a snowfall.


City code requires owners and/or occupants of property adjacent to a public sidewalk to clear the sidewalk within 24 hours after the snow or ice stopped falling (City Code 8-201).  If you wish to report an unshoveled sidewalk, call the City of Wisner at 402-529-6616.

Common Courtesy

Once the snow plow has made one pass on your street, move your vehicle so that all sections can be curbed and driveways filled fewer times.

If you park a vehicle on the street, move it every 24 hours as per code requirements.  This helps make it possible for the city workers to clear all streets to the curb.